Carlos and Parnell, M.D., P.A.
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Are you feeling S.A.D. this winter?

Have you ever heard of S.A.D.? Do you ever feel down or depressed in the winter months?  If you said “yes”, you are not alone. S.A.D. stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as seasonal depression. There are about 3 million people in the U.S. each year according to sources that deal with this disorder. […]

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Happy New Year!

I hope that you enjoyed your holidays! If you are like most Americans, the standard New Year’s activities include not only eating black eyed peas, but also making a list of New Year’s resolutions. What exactly are resolutions?  They are goals that you set for yourself and that you plan to achieve during this next […]

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Happy New Year’s Eve!

The holidays are nearly behind us but one of my favorite holidays is almost here, New Year’s Eve!  It’s a time to look back and to reflect on the year, what’s been good and what you might want to change, and you get to look forward to what the New Year will hold. Before you […]

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Happy (and healthy) Holidays!

It’s December and that means the holidays are officially here!  During this season, there are friends to see, family to hang out with but there’s also a time to get sick and to feel exhausted.  That’s why this week’s post is dedicated to giving you a few tips for making your holiday season healthy! First […]

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Season of Thanks!

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is behind us! As the holiday season draws near, it’s a good time to reflect on the word thankful. There are many reasons to be thankful for various things and there are many reasons to thank others for what they have done for you in your life. For this […]

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Is gluten free right for me?

Every now and then there are diets that spike a trend and we all feel like we need to join the trend!   Some of the diets are “fad” type diets while others are truly good diets to follow.  In this post we will talk about the gluten free diet, a diet that’s probably here to […]

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Time for the flu shot!

It is the time of year to get your flu shot! Maybe you already have it?  If not, read on!  This post is for you! There are many myths about the flu shot that typically stop people from getting it each year and below I tried to “bust” a few of those myths! Myth:  If […]

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Take some time for YOU today!

Have you ever heard the saying “slow down and smell the roses”? Have you ever had a friend or loved one tell you that you need to take some “you” time to relax a little bit?  If you answered “yes”, you are like most Americans these days.  We are constantly running around, going from place […]

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Prevent getting sick this fall

Welcome to fall.  It’s the time of year that nearly everyone you know is starting to get sick.  And you get sick. It starts with feeling run down, then you get sneezy, achy, a fever might pop up and the next thing you know, you are sick. Is there anything you can do to prevent […]

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Organic versus Non-organic

Have you ever been to the store to buy groceries and had to select either “organic” versus “non-organic”?  If you answered yes, you are like most Americans these days.  So what’s the big deal between the two? Organic foods typically are farmed and produced without any extra additives or chemicals. When you purchase things that […]