Carlos and Parnell, M.D., P.A.
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Protect your skin!

It’s summer! We all love summer for so many reasons but one that tops the list is that most of our day can be spent outdoors and at the pool (or lake). Along with the added time outside comes a need for awareness around early detection for skin issues, such as skin cancer. Something interesting […]

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Summer food!

Summer is the best!! One reason why is because of the variety of fruits and vegetables offered not only in the grocery store but at local farmer’s markets.  There are markets with local produce nearly every weekend! This summer, make sure you are eating a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables and that your plate […]

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Summer Safety

Summer is a great time to be outdoors, play and hang with friends, spend time with family and to enjoy the longer days! That said, there are a few reminders we have to help make sure you are safe this summer in the midst of all of the fun! Hydration is important to being safe […]

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Thank you mom’s!

In anticipation for Mother’s Day coming up, this post is dedicated to making sure all of those moms out there are appreciated for all they do. There are many different types of mom’s out there. There are moms of biologic children, moms of pets and animals, moms of adopted children, moms to other people’s kids, […]

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Get rid of winter dust!

The weather is getting warmer.  The days are getting longer.  It’s finally spring! With the change of seasons, it is a great time of year to think about opening up your windows, letting some fresh air fill your home and thinking about “spring cleaning.” One main reason to open up your windows and to participate […]

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Should I Eat Sugar?

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s almost Easter!  Every grocery store, drug store, convenience store, and the like “prime” their stores with chocolate, jelly beans, various assortments of treats and tons of sugar in general! Does the thought of this candy make you cringe or make you happy?  Have you given any thought to who […]

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Sleep.  Sleep is something that we all need more of!  It’s the fountain of youth.  It repairs our body.  When we sleep it helps our mind and body align and rest and we all truly need a lot more of it then what studies say we are getting. Do you feel like you are always […]

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Stay well during the winter

Despite some of the warmer temperatures most places have been experiencing lately, it is still winter and it is still the time of year that lots of viruses and illnesses are going around! The news has been talking about the number of influenza cases as well as strep throat and colds lately. Yuck. No one […]

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Combat dryness this winter!

It’s winter! And with the cold weather comes fun things like wearing sweaters, drinking hot chocolate and maybe even sledding; however, there are a few not so fun things that appear.  A major issue is that everything becomes dry!  What are the “things” that become dry?! Your skin, your hair and even your home! The […]

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Are you feeling S.A.D. this winter?

Have you ever heard of S.A.D.? Do you ever feel down or depressed in the winter months?  If you said “yes”, you are not alone. S.A.D. stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as seasonal depression. There are about 3 million people in the U.S. each year according to sources that deal with this disorder. […]