Carlos and Parnell, M.D., P.A.
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Flu Shot Time!

During the fall each year it becomes a priority of doctors’ offices and clinics in town to make sure people have their flu shot.  It seems to be a vaccine that people either get each year and never miss or it is a shot that people never get. There are many myths about the flu […]

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Get some YOU time!

Have you ever heard the saying “you should slow down and smell the roses”? Have you ever had a friend or loved one tell you that you need to take some “you” time to relax a little bit?  Do you ever feel like life is moving too quickly that you cannot keep up? If you […]

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Stay healthy this back to school season!

If you have heard it once you have heard it a thousand times…happy back to school! The kids are in the swing of a new routine and hopefully some of you parents out there are getting some down time and rest. For many of you, back to school is a time of new lessons, new […]

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Don’t get sick this fall!

I cannot believe it’s almost that time of year again!  You know, the time of year when it seems like every person you know is sick.  And you get sick. It starts with feeling run down, then you get sneezy, achy, a fever might pop up and bam…you are sick and it stinks! Wouldn’t it […]

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Do you feel like you are tired all the time?  Do you wake up and immediately head for your coffee pot because you are sleepy and need a jump start to the day?  Do you drink an energy beverage in the afternoon to keep you going?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, […]

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Organic versus Non-organic

Last blog post we talked about various herbs and a few of the “top” ones that you might want to have around your house. I hope you enjoyed reading that post and I hope that you bought a few of those to try.  I know that I did and found myself using turmeric more often […]

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Herbs 101

As a health conscious consumer and a mom, I always try to eat organic and give my kids (and husband) organic and healthy food but sometimes I get lost in the advertisements.  Which fruits and veggies are the best to buy organic, which vitamins should I give my family, which herbal remedies should I give […]

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Summer 5K

It’s summer.  I hope you are enjoying time with your family, time with the barbecue, time outdoors and hopefully time exercising too!  For some, the idea of exercise sounds dreadful in this heat but luckily there are plenty of indoor gyms.  Additionally, exercise can help boost your mood, your energy level and your mental edge […]

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Early Detection

One fact that you should always keep in mind s that early detection will help save your life. Always.  There are so many ways that this line is true and I would like to take a minute to walk you through a few of them! Skin cancer.  It is summer and I am sure you […]

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Healthy Summer Snacks & Meals

Healthy Summer Snacks & Meals Summer is always a fun time to be with friends, to go on picnics, to stay out late, and to enjoy the “simple things” of life. While summer is meant to be enjoyed, I wanted to go over some ways to have a fun summer full of flavorful and healthy […]