Stay healthy this winter.
Across most of the nation, freezing cold temperatures, ice, snow and bad weather have been the new normal. It’s been a very bad winter and with an increase in extreme weather like this, we all tend to stay inside more. While there might be some benefits to staying warm inside (like a fire in the fireplace or hot chocolate), there are also some downfalls.
One downfall is that with more people staying inside, more illnesses tend to arise and to stick around. Despite the attempt at cleanliness of public facilities that cater to inside activity (malls, recreation centers, play places for children, etc.) germs still abound. There is simply an increase in activity and number of shoppers or attendees at all of these places so if one person is sick and their germs are left behind, many additional people are at risk to getting sick.
How can you avoid getting sick while having to stay in close contact with others? The number one prevention tip is to wash your hands.
Use soap and scrub your hands together long enough to sing a quick “happy birthday” verse. Use paper towel to dry off your hands. If soap and water are not available, carry a hand sanitizer in your car or your purse. Having something to clean your hands is better than nothing!
Another way to avoid getting sick this winter is to try to live a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are drinking enough water. Keep your body hydrated! The heat indoors actually dehydrates our skin leaving us thirsty and with a desire to add moisture back in.
Make sure you are eating a colorful diet full of fruits and vegetables. Try to exercise! When the weather is above freezing, put on a coat, hat and gloves and go for a brisk walk. You might be surprised how nice the cool air feels!
If you do happen to get sick, that’s OK! Please come in and see us and let’s discuss how you can get to feeling better soon.
At Carlos and Parnell, M.D., P.A. our professional and caring staff makes the difference with patient care. – See more at: